Welcome To BLAST!
Cross Pointe youth are passionate about serving Christ, being discipled, and walking out their faith in a way that is holy and pleasing to the Lord, Jesus Christ. Our goal is to help build our teens’ spiritual foundation so that they are able to stand firm with knowledge and be ready to give an account of the Hope that is within them. We strive each week to encourage our students to keep God in the center of their daily lives, while loving others, serving others, and being a light for others.
We meet every Wednesday evening at 6pm.
Teen Quizzing
Youth Quizzing is a unique and exciting ministry for youth that combines Bible study, mentoring, competition, fellowship, discipleship, and mission. In addition to developing a devotion to God’s Word and lifelong habits of Bible study in youth, quizzing creates and builds up a community of young disciples and servants, steadily adding to a vast pool of leadership and continually strengthening the church and its ministries.